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Don Swaim Collection data dashboard prototype

Item counts

Sets of interviews and their derived Book Beat feature broadcasts
Persons interviewed
30-60 minute interviews
3-5 minute Book Beat feature broadcasts transmitted by WCBS and nationally syndicated

Interview and broadcast dates

Book Beat was produced and broadcast from 1983-1993

Interviewee occupations

According to Wikidata, most of Don Swaim's interviewees are writers, like novelists, screenwriters and journalists.

Interviewee languages

All of Don Swaim's interviews are in English, but Wikidata reports that some of his interviewees have also written or speak other languages.

Interviewee genders

Wikidata reports that about 60% of Swaim's interviewees are male, 19% female and 22% unknown.

Dates mentioned in Book Beat features

See a table of every span of time mentioned in Book Beat as detected by a machine learning model (spaCy's en_core_web_md).

Table of dates

Places mentioned in Book Beat features

See an ArcGIS Dashboard of every place mentioned in Book Beat as detected by spaCy's machine learning models.

Map of place mentions

Interviewee awards

See a network graph connecting interviewees and awards Wikidata reports they have won.

Cytoscape graph

Collection data

Download Don Swaim Collection metadata and transcripts for your own research.


  • 📇 swaim-metadata.json
  • 📝 book-beat-transcripts.zip
  • 📝 interview-transcripts.zip

Wikidata queried 2020-07-17